Monday, June 13, 2016

How Helping Others Changed my Life

By: Katherine Andrea

I'm going to get deep and personal here, so if you don't like real and honesty this post isn't for you.

Let's revisit May 2014.. I had just came out of the closet with my Insanity transformation story.. You know the infomercial that is always playing on your TV? Yeah, that one.

I was pretty much known as "The Insanity Girl" It was already know by my friends & family that I was doing the program so every time I came across one of those people I inspired, I'd get asked.. "How is Insanity?" 🙈 I would respond.. "Good," but in my mind I would cringe because I knew I wasn't on track. 😑

If you ask my friend Eugenia she will be proof of my story. I had even gathered up some girls, Janetzi can testify & a few other because I felt having them around doing what I was doing would help me & them stay on track with our health and fitness goals. I wanted soo bad to lose that weight. It was all I could think off, (I now know it was more than weight, it was insecurities, being self-conscious, hiding under jeans that I NEEDED to overcome).

I had met a coach online around 2008 when I had a hobby of reaching out to others, ha! I had no idea what coaching was! She stayed on my social media platforms motivating me, commenting on every post, encouraging me and checking in on me every-so-often. She would even comment things like "You'd make such a great coach"😳

I would smile and but say to myself, "Not yet, I'm not ready" and comment back saying "aww you're so sweet!" I now understand she saw far beyond what I could see at that moment. She saw passion, potential, HEART ❤️ & believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. (That's what a coach does.)

Back to my Insanity Victory Post... My coach reached out to me to celebrate my success asking if I'd consider coaching. People were already asking what I was doing & in my mind I was just going to work it as a referral basis, but she encouraged I at least give it a try because I deserved it. I worked hard & had a ❤️ for helping others.

I said yes & ever since then it's been such an AMAZING & rewarding journey. I not only changed my body, rid myself of depression, gained some amazing confidence, helped over 50+ people, but have created a second source of income that I know in time will only pay off & help me create the live I've always dreamed of, a life of FREEDOM. ✨

I know what it's like to not feel comfortable in your body.  I know what it's like to look at the mirror & feel like you've got so much work to do, I know what it's like to feel ashamed to cross my legs because I feel "fat." I know what it's like to hide behind baggy shirts & black clothing & never take time to take care of myself.

You see, coaching is my accountability. I know I have to stay on track with my journey since others are counting on me, following me, inspired by me. It makes me want to get up & be better & make more progress. I didn't have 'the perfect body' before I started, I just had a burning passion to help others.

If you can relate, maybe looking for that extra accountability & have a burning passion to help others, comment below and I'll reach out to you.

I'd love to chat with you & show you how you can get started & join our team. "Alone we can do so little.. Together we can do so much!" 💕🌷

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