Sunday, January 1, 2017

Someone once told me, you should blog more... I don't know what to write about...
but then every now and then a post is just WAY too long for facebook and then I realize I could blog, maybe not consistently, but God gives me Blog worthy stuff every now and then here is an example of that.. lol

My First Blog of the New Year ...

In my quest to be more structured, professional & organized this year I want to remind people I'm not that girl that keeps a tidy house, I don't do my hair or make up everyday & the sink is 90% of the time stacked full of dishes. 
I share my struggles pretty openly, I do filter my IG food pics & I try to crop out the mess when possible, I try to get the best lighting for my sweaty selfies...I've never been afraid to post my struggles & admit i'm not perfect!

My current struggle is different. I've done a ton of trainings that reminds me if I want people to take me seriously I need to dress like a professional & put more thought into my photos & appearance. And on the flip side I need to BE MYSELF!

I won't even tell you how many selfies I have to take before I get one that would be considered post-worthy, WHAT?

... guess what... what works for one person doesn't always work for the next..

I want to peel back the curtain and let you in on a little secret.

SELF-DISCIPLINE & Consistency IS THE STRUGGLE... Fitting in is not the answer! Doing it JUST like someone else doesn't work! It's about self improvement & just when I improve in one area I fall off in another!

I struggle. We all struggle!
No sense in pretending we don't!

I crave more order & peace just like everyone else!
Do you crave to be better?

Especially now that I'm not only a stay at home working mom, I'm a stay at homeschooler & working mom! And I crave getting my crap together more now than ever before!
Do you currently know any moms who would say, “No, I feel really great about how everything’s going and I’m totally organized and my life is perfect.” ?? I'm guessing No! We jus assume that of people until we get to truly KNOW them!

I know I have the BEST intentions but I fall short when it comes to discipline and structure.

I have bought all the calendars, binders, file folders, wipe board, journals... I've read a handful of books and listened to podcast on organizing and managing my time. And they are all great tools but they never make a real difference!

Maybe you have all the books on finances or health... can you relate here???

Nothing will work unless you realize it's YOU that creates the freedom, peace health you desire!

All the reading and planning in the world won't help me lol

In the past I would think something's wrong w me, I would throw a little pity party & shut down for a days or weeks.

Over the last 7 years I've grown, but I'm still a work in progress!

Too easily i get distracted by comparing my life to someone else's, too busy looking at what I didn't have vs what I wasn't DOING! Im gonna stop standing in my own WAY!

I constantly have to remind myself to apply what I already KNOW!
And use what I already have!

I am the problem!
I am standing in my own way!
I'm forgetting Who God created ME to be! Just when I think I don't care what others think God whispers and redirects me!

He teaches me so so much through my children, they are also unique, but so easily influenced...
I want to be a better example for my boys. Want them to do their best, but not for anyone else!

I want to teach them to be themselves unapologetically!

I can teach them that if we are our problem, we are also our solution!

You can't just learn from others & read the book, print it out, wrote it down...and expect to change... you must DO something with what you learn!

If you’ve struggled with self-discipline, if you’ve struggled with being organized or feeling like you don’t have it altogether. Welcome to the CLUB! Just recommit, refocus!
Remind yourself that action starts with you, discipline starts with you, change starts with you.

What is One thing you can do today before the sun goes down to create momentum?

Is your kitchen’s a mess. Laundry out of control? Work space messy?

Just get up & go do something about it till it's COMPLETE!
Finish it! Do the stuff you need to be doing! And then get up the very next day & repeat it!

You can apply this to ANY area of your life!
Health, Relationship, Financial, Family...
Just freak'n Do it already!

And Ask God to help you with self discipline! Ask God to keep your mind on the things that matter!
He is the only one we need to please! And when you do anything with good intention, you will have PEACE!

Progress not Perfection my friends!
CHEERS 2 a beautiful new & productive year!

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